Factory Documentation System 工厂的文件系统
(Documents to be available in factory during BVCPS Security Assessment 反恐审核工厂需准备的文件)
I - Personnel Security 人事安全
1. Job application form, with the following fields for the applicants to fill in: 员工工作申请表信息含有以下内容
Personal information个 人基本信息
Education 教育背景
Employment history and personal reference 就职经历
Credit standing and history 个人信誉
Any driving license 驾驶执照
Any previous criminal background 犯罪记录
2. Records of the following background checking:应聘者的背景调查记录
Criminal background 犯罪记录
Financial background / credit report 个人财务背景/信用记录
Drug and alcohol testing 毒品/酒精的依赖史
Driver history 架照历史
Unexplained gaps or periods of unemployment 不明原因的间隙或失业期
3. Re-investigation records of current employees in doubt 对现有的有怀疑员工的再调查记录
4. Employees’ Code of Conduct to govern security violations by employees 雇员安全规范的行为准则
5. Employee termination procedure, including but not limited to the following: 雇员离职手续, 包括但不限于如下:
Retrieval of identification badges 要求归还代表本厂员工的身份识别卡/徽章
Retrieval of access cards and/or keys 要求归还门禁用卡和/或钥匙
Termination of alarm codes 终止警报代码/准入密码
Notification of security and/or receptionist 通知的保安及/或前台
Termination of computer access 终止电脑访问权限
II - Physical Security 基建安全
1. Policy in controlling the security of cargo handling and storage areas, including but not limited to the following: 对货柜车装卸和存储区域的安全控制政策包括但不限于如下:
Employees are not allowed to park in the cargo handling and storage areas 雇员车辆不允许停靠在货柜车装卸和存储区域
Employees are not allowed to park next to the cargo handling and storage areas 雇员车辆不允许紧邻在货柜车装卸和存储区停靠
Visitors are not allowed to park in the cargo handling and storage areas访客车辆不允许停靠在货柜车装卸和存储区域
Visitors are not allowed to park next to the cargo handling and storage areas访客车辆不允许紧邻在货柜车装卸和存储区停靠
2. Service contract with external security company on monitoring of the burglar alarm system与外部的保安公司签定监控工厂安全的服务合同
3. Employment contract / job description of security guards, including:保安人员的劳动合同/职位描述包括:
on duty after normal production hours 常规生产任务结束后的岗位职责
on duty all the time (24 hours per day, 7 days per week)全天候在岗 (每天24小时,每周7天)
4. Records of periodic inspection of the following to see if any damage occurred or maintenance required:定期检验以下事项以此来查看是否有损坏或维护要求。
Buildings 建筑物
Fences 围墙
Gates 大门
III - Physical Access Control 门禁控制
1. Checkpoints for security guards to go on patrol 保安人员的巡逻点
2. List of restricted areas (where employee access is limited) and authorized personnel who could get access to those areas限制区域(雇员访问受限)的名单和授权能进入这些地区的人员
3. Record system for issuing and monitoring of the following items:发放和监控以下配备用品的记录
Keys 钥匙
Alarm codes 警报代码/准入密码
Lock combinations 组合锁
Electronic card keys 电子卡片
Other access devices 门禁系统的其他准出入装置
4. Procedures for identifying and controlling the access of visitors (including vendors),covering:
Visitors must present photo identification 访客必须出示带有照片的证件
Visitors logbooks are kept 保留访客的登记日志
Visitors must wear visitors badge or similar identification 访客必须佩带访客牌或者类似的身份识别证件
Visitors must be escorted by security guard or other employees 访客必须由保安或其他雇员陪同
5. Visitor logbooks, including: 访客的登记日志包括
Name of visitor(s) 访客姓名
Company they are representing 所代表的公司
Purpose of visit 来访目的
Date/time in and out of the facility 进出入厂时间
6. Procedures for identifying, challenging, and addressing unauthorized persons attempting to enter the facilities 识别非法闯入的程序
7. Registry of arriving packages and mail 登记到达的包裹和邮寄
8. Records of regular sampled checks on arrived packages and mail regarding potential security or health risks对到达的包裹和邮寄的定期抽样检查记录
IV - Procedural Security 过程安全
1.Procedure for controlling changes to shipments abroad, covering:出口货物的更改控制程序包括:
Foreign customers are notified in the event of changes to the actual shipped goods通知国外客户实际的出货数量有所更改
Foreign customers will be supplied with revised commercial documentation in the event of changes to the actual shipped goods万一实际的出货数量有所更改,提供给国外客户修改过的商业文件
Foreign customers are notified in the event of changes in the actual quantity of goods being shipped通知国外客户实际的出货数量
Foreign customers are supplied with revised commercial documentation in the event of changes in the actual quantity of goods being shipped万一实际的出货数量有所更改,提供给国外客户修改过的实际出货数量的商业文件
2. Commercial documentation provided to the foreign freight consolidator or carrier (usually prior to actual export from the port of lading)提供给国外货物承运商相应的商业文件 (通常在实际出口港的装货之前)
3. Documentary evidence showing the verification of the quantity of product being shipped against purchase orders, e.g. signature on purchase orders有文件证据显示有人根据采购单确认过货运的数量
4. Authorized trucker list 授权的卡车运输者列表
5. Personal files of each driver being vetted and approved 对每一个司机的个人档案进行审查和批准
6. Registry of trailers / drivers who enter the facility 对进入厂区的司机进行登记
7. Records of dispatch of trailers货车离厂的记录
8. Procedures in place to ensure products are properly marked, weighed, counted, and documented有程序来确定产品是否正确的标识、称重、计数和记录
9. Procedures in place for tracking the timely movement of goods 货物的追踪程序
10. Procedures in place for notifying the following organizations in the mentioned circumstances发生以下情况会通知到相关组织的程序
Customs in cases where unusual incidents or illegal activities are detected or suspected海关检测到不寻常的事件或非法活动或疑似事件
Local law enforcement agencies in cases where unusual incidents or illegal activities are detected or suspected地方执法机构检测到不寻常的事件或非法活动或可疑活动
11. Security procedures to prevent unauthorized access to facilities, equipment, and cargo有安全程序以防止对设施,设备,和货物未经授权的访问
12. Documentary evidence proving annual review of the security procedure有书面的证据显示会对安全程序进行年度评估
13. Procedure / documentary criteria for evaluation of suppliers and/or subcontractors (including truckers)供应商和/或分包商的评估程序(包括运输商)。
14. List of suppliers and/or subcontractors (including truckers)供应商和/或分包商名录(包括运输商)。
15. Security standards or requirements for suppliers and/or subcontractors (including truckers)供应商和/或分包商的安全标准或要求(包括运输商)。
16. Evaluation records of suppliers and subcontractors (including truckers) regarding the compliance with security standards or requirements符合安全标准和要求的供应商和分包商的评估记录(包括运输商)。
17. Financial Assessment records of suppliers and subcontractors (including truckers)供应商和分包商的财务评价记录(包括运输商)。
18. Correspondence / other records of communication with suppliers and subcontractorson security issues与供应商和分包商在安全问题上的沟通记录(包括运输商)。
V - Information Technology Security 信息技术安全
1. Registry of individual accounts and passwords created for employees who can access the factory’s computer system登记员工能够访问工厂的计算机系统的个人帐号和密码
2.Computer security policies and procedures计算机安全政策和程序
3.Employees’ training records on computer security rules员工在电脑安全规则方面的培训记录
4.Disciplinary practice in place for employees who violate system rules员工违反系统规则的惩戒措施
VI - Security Training & Threat Awareness 安全培训和反恐需知
1. Security awareness program, covering: 安全意识程序包括:
Internal conspiracies 内部阴谋
Cargo security 货物安全
Facility security 设备安全
Unauthorized access 非法闯入
Security incident reporting 安全事故汇报
Procedures 过程安全
Theft prevention 防偷窃
Other specialized training for specific employees 其他为特定员工的专门培训
2. Policy addressing employees to be recognized and rewarded for active participation in security controls
VII - Container Security 集装箱安全
1. Procedure for storage, issue, control of seals and reporting of discrepancies铅封的存储,发放和发生异常情况汇报的程序
2. Seal Initial Receipt (record form for receipt of seals from the seal vendor), including the following:铅封的接收包括以下(从铅封供应商收到铅封的记录表)
Date / time of seals received from vendor 从铅封供应商收到铅封的日期
Type of seal 铅封的型号
Seal number sequence 铅封号
Quantity of seals 铅封的数量
Name and signature of designated factory representative responsible for maintaining and distributing the seals (i.e. seal custodian)指定专人负责保管和分发铅封(即铅封托管人)。
3. Seal inventories 铅封的存货清单
4. Seal Issue Log (record form for keeping traceability from the factory’s seal custodian to other staff authorized to receive and use the seals). This Log shall include:
铅封的发放记录应包括 (为保持铅封的的可追踪性,应记录铅封从保管人到批准接收和使用铅封人员的具体走向)
Date of Issue 铅封的发放日期
Type of seal 铅封的型号
Seal number(s) 铅封的号码
Name of recipient 铅封的接收人姓名
Signature of recipient 铅封接受人员的签名
Signature of seal custodian 铅封托管人员的签名
5.Vehicle Gate Log (record showing containers entering / exiting the factory yard)出入车辆的登记日志 (记录显示集卡的进出入时间)
6. Documents proving seals purchased meet or exceed the current ISO PAS 17712 standard for high security seals
有文件证明铅封符合或超过ISO PAS 17712 的高安全度铅封标准
7. Documented procedures addressing the notification of the shipping line, consignee,local law enforcement agency, or Customs if a compromised container or door lock has been detected
书面的文件强调如果受损的集装箱或锁具被检测到,会告知运输商,收货人, 当地的执法机构或海关
8. Written procedures requiring empty ocean containers to be inspected, covering:
Multi-point inspection on all containers to detect false walls, hatches, damages, or other security issues
Container door locks 集装箱的锁具检查
9. Documented procedures for reporting and addressing unauthorized entry to containers or container storage areas
10. Documented procedure to prevent unauthorized access of loaded containers stored overnight, including but not limited to the following:
Using Padlocks 使用挂锁
Seals affixed by the carrier or consolidator at their facilities
Using Ultra-High security seals, such as "J-Bar" locks 使用高安全度铅封
To back container doors against a hard surface, such as a building wall or concrete dock
To keep containers in a secured, fenced-in yard with guards and closed-circuit television