5.1. Child Labour
5.1.1. A “Child Worker” is defined as someone who has not reached their 15th birthday, or any higher age specified in local law for completing mandatory schooling or beginning full time work.
5.1.2. However, in strictly limited circumstances, where local law sets the minimum age at 14 years, under ILO convention 138 in accordance with developing country exceptions, the lower will apply.
5.1.3. Child Workers must not be involved at any point in the manufacture or supply of goods to ASOS.
5.1.4. Employers shall develop a system to verify the ages of new Workers including checking original identity documents and cross-referencing with Worker’s photograph.
5.1.5. Employers shall develop a system to prevent borrowed identity documents including spot-checking the availability of the identity documents of existing Workers periodically.
5.1.6. Copies of age records shall be retained in the workplace.
5.2. Young Workers
5.2.1. Where young Workers are employed the Employer must comply with the relevant legal requirements in that region/country. These may include carrying out health and safety risk assessments for young
people, restricting working hours and with the relevant contracts and permissions drafted and implemented.
5.2.2. Employment of Young Workers must be managed in accordance with ASOS Child Labour, Remediationand Young Worker Policy and applicable legislation.
5.3. Preventing Children from Entering Production Areas
Children must not be permitted in production areas at any time, even if they are above the minimum age of employment. This includes the Children of Workers who live in factory accommodation and Children brought to care facilities on site.
Supplier responsibilities
5.3.1. Ensure Children cannot enter production areas;
5.3.2. All Workers and auxiliary Workers e.g. security guards, cleaners understand that Children cannot enter production areas under any circumstance;
5.3.3. Provide safe and adequate supervision of Children living in factory accommodation;
5.3.4. Provide safe and adequate supervision of Children brought to the factory whilst their parents/guardians work.
Supplier prevention systems must include:
5.3.5. Full security and monitoring of all site entrances (when facilities are open and/or accessible);
5.3.6. Clear procedures for checking, verifying and recording the identity and age of all visitors;
5.3.7. Security personnel who are fully trained on and understand procedures;
5.3.8. Enforcement of minimum age requirements within production areas.
5.4. Requirement for Children Using Factory Facilities
5.4.1. Factories with Children living in factory accommodation must:
5.4.2. During work time, ensure Children have proper adult supervision from a parent, guardian or nominated and approved adult;
5.4.3. Be accompanied by a trained care giver, their parent or guardian when walking to Child-permitted areas;
5.4.4. Have a registered guardian(s) who have the right to collect Children and take them off the production site – security personnel should retain secure copies of guardians’ photo identification at site entrances/exits;
5.4.5. Ensure facilities are safe for Children e.g. railings on staircases;
5.4.6. Keep a register of all Children living on site, next of kin and other key contacts;
5.4.7. Provide appropriate play areas (separate to the production area).
5.5. Factories with Children being cared for at on-site facilities e.g. crèches
5.5.1. Ensure Children of school age attend school. They can stay in on-site facilities after school hours and during school holidays;
5.5.2. Have a parent and/or guardian’s written consent to place Children the in facility;
5.5.3. Be accompanied by a trained care giver, their parent or guardian from site gates to Child-permitted areas;
5.5.4. Employ carers who can demonstrate sound Child care experience and have no criminal history;
5.5.5. Employ sufficient number of carers for the number of Children;
5.5.6. Provide training to carers on Child care and site policies and procedures;
5.5.7. Permit parents/guardians to visit their Children during breaks;
5.5.8. Ensure Children are collected by their registered parent/guardian within a reasonable time period;
5.5.9. Ensure Children are never left without a carer;
5.5.10. The Child-care facility is separate to any production area/building;
5.5.11. The Child-care facility is structurally safe and fit for purpose e.g. has clean running water for drinking
and bathing, resting areas, toys, activities, proper ventilation and means for temperature control;
5.5.12. Provide food and drink for Children.
5. 童工和青年工人
5.1. 童工
5.1.1. “童工”被定义为未满15岁或更大年龄的人
5.1.2. 但是,在严格限制的情况下,如当地法律规定最低年龄为14岁,则根据劳工组织第138号公约根据发展中国家的例外情况,将适用较低者。
5.1.3. 童工在任何时候都不得参与生产或向ASOS供应货物。
5.1.4. 雇主应建立新入职员工年龄核实制度,包括核对原件身份证件,并与工人的照片进行交叉比对。
5.1.5. 雇主应建立包括抽查在内的防止借用身份证件的制度定期检查现有工人身份证件的可用性。
5.1.6. 工作场所应保留年龄记录副本。
5.2. 年轻的工人
5.2.1. 在雇用年轻工人的地方,雇主必须遵守相关的法律规定在那个地区/国家。其中可能包括对年轻人进行健康和安全风险评估人,限制工作时间,并与相关合同和许可起草和实现的。
5.2.2. 青年工人的就业必须按照ASOS童工补救条例进行管理青年工人政策和适用法律。
5.3. 防止儿童进入生产区域
5.3.1. 确保儿童不能进入生产区域;
5.3.2. 所有工人和辅助工人,如保安,清洁工都明白儿童不能进入在任何情况下的生产区域;
5.3.3. 为住在工厂宿舍的儿童提供安全和适当的监督;
5.3.4. 为被带到工厂的儿童提供安全和充分的监督,同时他们的父母/监护人工作。
5.3.5. 对所有场地入口进行全面保安和监控(当设施开放和/或可进入时);
5.3.6. 明确检查、核实和记录所有访客的身份和年龄的程序;
5.3.7. 接受过充分培训并了解程序的保安人员;
5.3.8. 在生产区域内执行最低年龄要求。
5.4. 儿童使用工厂设施的要求
5.4.1. 有儿童居住在工厂宿舍的工厂必须:
5.4.2. 在工作时间,确保孩子有父母,监护人或指定的成年人的适当监督经批准的成年人;
5.4.3. 在训练有素的护理人员、父母或监护人的陪同下步行到儿童允许区域;
5.4.4. 是否有登记的监护人,有权收集儿童并将其带离生产现场-保安人员应在现场妥善保存监护人带照片的身份证明副本
5.4.5. 确保设施对儿童安全,例如楼梯上的栏杆;
5.4.6. 对所有住在现场的孩子、近亲和其他重要联系人进行登记;
5.4.7. 提供适当的游戏区域(与生产区域分开)。
5.5. 有儿童在工厂内的设施(如托儿所)接受照顾
5.5.1. 确保适龄儿童上学。他们可以在放学后呆在学校设施里学校放假期间;
5.5.2. 有家长和/或监护人的书面同意将儿童安置在设施内;
5.5.3. 由训练有素的护理员、父母或监护人陪同从场地门口到儿童允许范围内区域;
5.5.4. 聘用具有良好幼儿照顾经验及无犯罪纪录的护理员;
5.5.5. 雇用足够数目的照顾者照顾数目的儿童;
5.5.6. 为照顾者提供有关儿童保育及场地政策和程序的培训;
5.5.7. 允许家长/监护人在休息时间探望子女;
5.5.8. 确保已登记的家长/监护人在合理的时间内接走儿童;
5.5.9. 确保儿童永远不会没有照顾者;
5.5.10. 托儿设施与任何生产区域/建筑物分开;
5.5.11. 托儿设施在结构上是安全的,适合使用,例如有干净的自来水供饮用、洗澡、休息、玩具、活动、适当的通风和温度控制手段;
5.5.12. 为孩子们提供食物和饮料。