Freedom of Movement 活动自由
Employees must be allowed to resign at will at any time.
Service Provider must not withhold employees' original identification documents.
Service Provider must not use recruitment agents which require monetary deposits or unreasonable fees or keep employees original identification documents.
Service Provider must have compliant contracts in place for all migrant employees or foreign imported employees.
Employees must be allowed to access toilet facilities when in need.
Employees must be allowed to access drinking water during work hours.
Employees must be allowed to leave the facility during meal breaks and/or after work hours.
必须允许员工在午 / 晚饭时间或工余时间自由进出厂区。
Employees must be allowed to enter and leave the dormitory during off work hours or on rest days.
Service Provider should not implement any curfew at the dormitory.
Human Trafficking 人口贩运
Service Provider must establish a written policy that no trafficked person directly or indirectly will be employed along its supply chain and strictly adhere to it.
Service Provider and their subcontractors must not engage in any activity related to human trafficking.
Training must be provided to Human Resource and recruitment personnel to prevent recruitment of trafficked person, and the handling procedures in the vent of discovering trafficked employee.
Discrimination & Harassment 歧视和骚扰
Coach believes that people should be employed on the basis of the ability to do the job, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs. Coach will only do business with those suppliers who practice this principle.
Coach 坚持雇用员工应按其工作能力而非个人性格或信仰。Coach 只会与奉行该宗旨的供应商营商。
Service Provider must have a written policy against any type of harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, caste, or social or ethnic origin.
Service Provider must communicate the discrimination policy and anti-harassment policy to all employees at the time of hiring.
Service Provider must practice pay equity, promotion, retirement, and/or termination based solely on employee's ability to perform the job.
供应商必须根据员工的工作能力 / 表现来实践公平公正薪资、提升退休,并且 / 或开除等政策。
Service Provider must not prohibit or discourage the employment of pregnant women or implement any policy against female employees becoming pregnant.
Service Provider must not arrange for pregnant women to perform any tasks, which are not allowed by the laws and 法规.
Service Provider must not check the item of the serologic index of Hepatitis B Virus upon hiring. The Service Providers must protect the privacy of the employees on the item of the serologic index of Hepatitis B Virus.
Service Provider must treat the employees with respect and no one will be subjected to any kind of harassment including but not limited to physical, psychological, verbal, visual, written or sexual abuse.
Service Provider must maintain procedures and records on handling issues of harassment.
Hiring posters or personnel requisition forms must not specify discriminative preferences.