Freedom of Association 自由结社
Coach will not knowingly use suppliers who fail to respect the employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining as permitted by law. We will not be associated with any supplier who interferes to form and/or join organizations of their own choice in accordance with legal requirements of the country. We will not do business with any vendor who dismiss, discipline, coerce or threaten employees seeking to exercise their legal right of association.
Coach 不会故意任用在法律容许下,不尊重员工自由结社,集体谈判权利的供应商。Coach 也不会任用任何干扰员工在国家法律容许下,成立和 / 或参加他们选择的组织之供应商。我们不会与任何解雇,强迫或威胁试图行使结社权利的员工之供应商合作。
Service Provider must establish a written policy and procedures on freedom of association, if appropriate.
Service Provider must respect any collective bargaining agreement made in accordance with legal requirement.
Service Provider must not interfere employees' choice to associate or not to associate with trade union or other workers' organization, as allowed by law.
Service Provider must not terminate employees who have attempted to organize or collective bargain.
Labor union meeting minutes and records must be kept for a minimum of 12 months.
工会会议纪要和记录必须保留最少 12 个月。
Disciplinary Practices 纪律处分
Coach will not knowingly do business with suppliers who employ any type of corporal punishment, or other forms of mental or physical coercion.
Coach 不会故意与施行体罚或构成任何精神上或身体上威胁的供应商营商。
Service Provider must not use or threaten use of corporal punishment as a means of disciplinary practice.
Service Providers must not use verbal abuses, including screaming, threatening, or use of demeaning words toward employees as a means of disciplinary practice.
Service Provider must not use monetary penalty as a means of disciplinary practice.
Service Provider must not withhold employee's wages as a means of disciplinary practice.
Service Provider must not withhold breaks, access to water, toilets, or other basic human necessities as a means of disciplinary practice.
Service Provider must not restrict employee's movement during nonwork hours as a means of disciplinary practice.
Service Provider must not use “lock in"and “lock out" as a means of disciplinary practice.
供应商不能实施 “门禁” 作为纪律处分。