NBC Universal验厂咨询-供应商审核报告之从劳动用工到安全环保等内容全解读
1.1Is there a person professionally trained in Health & Safety employed at or supporting the company/facility?公司/工厂是否雇有经过职业健康和安全方面培训的人员?
1.2Does your company have all environmental permits required to conduct operations (current or proposed) at the facility?是否有公司运行所需的所有环境许可证或审批文件(现存的和拟需的)?
1.3Does your company have all health and safety permits required to conduct operations (current or proposed) at the facility?是否具备了公司经营所需的健康和安全许可证或审批文件(现存的和拟需的)?
1.4Does your company have all local fire code authorizations? (Applicable fire requirements may be contained in the building code or general building construction or operating permit.)公司是否具备了所有消防许可证或审批文件?(适用的消防要求可能包括在建筑规范或普通建筑施工和建设许可中)
1.5During the last 5 years has the company operated without any serious injuries resulting in death? If the company had a death please answer "no" and provide details.在过去的5年中,公司是否未发生过死亡事故?如果发生过,请回答“否”并提供详细情况。
1.6During the last 5 years, has your company operated without any serious injuries? A serious injury is one that requires hospitalization for more than 24 hours. If you have had serious injury cases in this period, please answer "No" and provide details.在过去的5年中,公司是否未发生过需要住院超过24小时的重伤事故?如果发生过,请回答“否”并提供详细情况。
1.7Is the facility located at least 100 meters away from any schools, nursing homes, daycare centers, residences or other sensitive uses? If the facility is located within 100 meters of such an entity, please answer "No" and provide details.公司是否在学校,护理院,护理中心,住宅区或其他敏感区100米之外?如果在100米之内,请回答“否”并提供详细情况
1.8Do you conduct fire drills at least annually for all shifts?是否至少每年进行消防疏散演习?
1.9Do you test the emergency alarm systems at least every six months?是否每半年测试紧急报警系统?
1.10During the last 5 years, has the company been free of Fine and Violations notices from Government agencies? If the company received such notices, please answer "No" and provide details.在过去的5年中,公司是否没有被政府部门罚款或接到违规通知?
1.11Is the site soils or groundwater free of chemical contamination? If there has been any investigation of, or remediation of the soil or water at the facility (Include investigations by a government authority or other parties; such as potential investors).工厂的土壤或地下水是否未被化学品污染?如果有任何土壤或地下水调查或修复(包括政府或其他部门的调查,如潜在的投资者),请提供详细内容。
1.12Does your company maintain a written statement or policy protecting your employees from discrimination and is the existence of the policy communicated to employees within the factory? 贵公司是否有一份书面声明或政策,保护员工免受歧视?现有的政策是否在工厂内向员工传达?
1.13Does your company maintain a written statement or policy protecting your employees from harassment and is the existence of the policy communicated to employees within the factory? 贵公司是否有一份书面声明或政策保护员工免受骚扰,现有的政策是否在工厂内向员工传达?
1.14Does your company have an objective process for handling employee complaints that is outside the direct supervisory chain of an employee that might have a concern and is the existence of the process communicated within the factory? 贵公司是否有一个处理流程来处理员工投诉,这是一个可以绕过雇员直接主管的投诉方式?现有的流程是否在工厂内向员工传达?
1.15Does your company allow workers to freely choose whether or not to lawfully organize and join associations such as a trade union? 贵公司是否允许工人自由选择参加或不参加那些合法组织/社团,例如工会?
1.16"Is there a person professionally trained in Environment employed at or supporting the company/facility?
1.17"Has the facility conducted an overall site review to identify and document the health and safety risks to the facility, equipment and employees?
你们的工厂是否对全厂范围的设施、设备、人员进行了健康及安全风险评估和记录? "
1.18"Have risks identified in the overall site review been communicated to employees in a systematic way?
1.19"Does your site have a Training Plan for employees and managers that includes Environmental, Labor, and Heath & Safety training?
你们的工厂是否有一个针对员工和管理人员的培训计划,包括环境、劳动用工、健康和安全培训? "
1.20"Can the site demonstrate that it is in compliance with its Training Plan?
1.21"Does the site have a process, including a named responsible person, to ensure it keeps track of regulatory developments and/or updates that may impact environmental permits or compliance at the site?
1.22"Does the facility have a process to identify and manage changes which may occur periodically at the facility and that potentially impact its EHS compliance?
1.23"Has an environmental audit been performed at the site in the last two (2) years?
1.24"Has a Health & Safety audit been performed at the site in the last two (2) years?
1.25"Has an Occupational Health or Industrial Hygiene assessment been performed at the site in the last two (2) years?
1.26"Are corrective actions identified by the Environmental, H&S, or Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene audits and assessments tracked to closure?
环境、健康和安全、或职业健康/工业卫生审核和评估中发现的整改要求,是否被跟踪整改完成? "
1.27"Was the site able to show you a list and an organized file of of all current permits and correspondence with the authorities regarding regulatory compliance?
1.28"Was the site able to show you a copies of all current environmental, health and safety permits and related correspondence with the authorities?
1.29"Does the site have an inventory of chemical substances it uses, stores, processes or manufactures?
1.30"Does the site have a process for staying in compliance with local labor law requiremnents?
1.31"Does the facility have a process to update employee training after changes are made to the facility and production process?
2.1Do the employees look to be above the minimum local legal age limit? (In no case <16)雇员是否符合最低年龄限制?(不小于16岁)。如果“否”,立即征求法律部的意见!
2.2Do the employees appear to be present voluntarily (e.g. not an unusual number of security guards present in and around the facility) 雇员是否自愿来上班?(工厂周围没有异常数量的安全警卫。)
2.3Can the employees freely exit the facility when they are not working? (e.g. doors are not locked or blocked to prevent employees leaving before the end of the shift) 雇员不工作时能否自由离开工厂?(例如,没有为防止雇员在下班前离开而将门上锁)。
2.4Do all exits (including emergency) lead to an area outside of the building without obstructions? (Look for locked or blocked doors or enclosed areas). 所有通向外面的出口(包括紧急出口)是否无阻碍?(查看是否有锁住或堵住的门或封闭区域。)
2.5Are the exits (including emergency) clearly marked? 出口(包括紧急出口)是否明显标注?
2.6Is the general housekeeping of the facility good? (e.g. floors, restrooms, break areas, aisles and doorways are clean and uncluttered, and trash is in containers). 厂容管理是否较好?(楼梯,休息室,休息地点,走廊和门廊是否清洁和整齐,垃圾是否放入垃圾箱内)
2.7Does the facility have good lighting? (For example, is it easy to see across the facility or to the nearest exit? Do workers seem to have trouble seeing their work?) 公司的照明是否良好?(是否很容易看到整个厂区或是否很容易看到最近的出口?员工操作是否有充足的照明?员工操作是否无碍?)
2.8Is the facility free of visible haze/chemical mist in the shop works areas (Check the indoor air of the facility). Please answer "No" if the facility had a visible haze/chemical mist in the shop areas, and provide details. 工厂车间内是否没有可见的有害物/化学烟雾?(检查工厂室内空气)
2.9Is the facility free from objectionable odors in the indoor work areas? (Objectionable odors include very irritating acrid odors. For example, an odor is objectionable if your eyes water when you walk in the area or you react very negatively to the odor.) 工作场所内是否没有令人不适的气味?(包括强烈刺激性气味、酸气。例如,当你走在厂区中,这种气体使你的眼睛流泪,或者这种气体被视为令人不适的气味。)
2.10Are the work areas kept at a comfortable temperature (e.g. not uncomfortably hot or cold.) 工作场所的温度是否适宜?(不是特别热或特别冷)
2.11Are all chemicals or wastewater treated (e.g. neutralized or processed) as required by local law or site permit prior to going to a sewer or drainage system? 所有的化学品和废水在进入下水道或排水系统前是否按照法规或许可证的要求经过处理?(中和或处理)
2.12Are all waste materials, scrap materials or garbage stored on concrete or a paved area? If the company has waste materials, scrap materials or garbage stored directly on the ground or outside exposed to the weather, please answer "No" and provide details. 废料、废金属屑和垃圾是否堆放在经铺设的地面上?是否向江河、湖泊、运河、渠道、水库及其最高水位线以下的滩地和岸坡倾倒、堆放固体废物?如果废弃物直接堆放在室外的土地上,请回答“否”,并提供详细情况。
2.13Do all drums and other storage containers appear in good condition, stored in contained areas & well managed? 所有桶和其它存储容器是否状况良好,是否置于有隔护区域并严格管理?
2.14Does the vegetation on site appear to be normal for the area and the season (not yellow or dying due to unnatural causes)? 现场的植物是否生长正常?(没有因为非自然的因素而发黄或枯萎)
2.15Are air emissions ordinary in appearance (for example, not visibly dark or strong yellow color or with a strong odor)? 气体排放情况正常吗?(例如没有明显的黑烟、黄烟或气味强烈的浓烟)
2.16Are waterways near to the site free of discoloration or debris (no visible sheen, or discoloration next to the site's water discharge points)? 现场附近的水体是否清澈并且没有杂物?(在现场排污口无可见的光泽、或明显变色)
2.17Is first aid related equipment available to employees in all work areas? 是否所有工作场所都备有相关的急救设施?
2.18Is there an alarm system to notify employees of an emergency situation in all work areas? 是否所有工作场所均配有报警系统以通知雇员有紧急状况?
2.19Are there fire extinguishers or fire fighting equipment in all areas of the facilities? All fire extinguishers should be tagged with their most recent inspection date (which should be within the last 12 months). 工厂的所有区域都有灭火器和消防设施吗?
2.20If the facility has a canteen or a cafeteria, is the area clean and is food prepared, stored and served in a sanitary manner? 如果工厂有食堂或自助餐厅,其是否干净,所供应、存储及提供的食物是否卫生?
2.21Do the work practices and work equipment used in the manufacturing process appear to be safe? 生产过程的操作和设备是否安全?
2.22Are employees using eye protection in areas where there is a risk that chips or particles may be flung from the machinery or they could be splashed with chemicals? 在有从机器飞出碎片和颗粒或化学品喷溅危险处,雇员是否使用眼部防护?
2.23Do machines appear to be guarded so that employees cannot reach into machines with rotating or moving parts, or under or into devices that stamp, cut or punch metal? 机器是否有防护,以防止雇员接触机器的旋转或移动部分或被那些切割、砸击金属的设备伤害?
2.24Are employees wearing shoes appropriate for a manufacturing environment (for example, sandals or bare feet are not appropriate on a factory floor)? 雇员是否穿与工作环境相适合的鞋?(例如,在工厂中,拖鞋和赤足是不合适的)
2.25In areas where noise is very loud (for example, you can't speak without yelling) are workers wearing hearing protection (ear plugs or ear covers)? 在高噪声区,雇员是否使用听力防护?(例如,戴耳塞或耳罩)
2.26Are employees in chemical processing areas (e.g. painting, plating, or chemical cleaning, visible dust or visible vapor) using breathing protection? (note cotton surgical masks or scarves wrapped around the face are not sufficient). If answer is no, please provide a description of area processes and obtain any exposure monitoring data that is available. 如果员工在化学品工艺的车间(例如油漆,电镀,或化学清洗,可见的粉尘或可见的烟雾)是否使用呼吸保护? (注意:在这些区域,外科手术用的口罩和用围巾围住面部通常是不够的)。如果答案是否定的,请描述车间的工艺,并取得有关职业病危害暴露的监测数据
2.27Does all wiring appear to be in good condition? (for example, it is not frayed and appears to have been installed professionally. Extensive use of extension cords, or wiring that is strung across rooms, is cause for concern). 所有线路状况都好吗?(例如,没有磨损、正确安装。过多使用外接线路,或线路在室内绕绊,都应引起注意)
2.28If lifting devices (cranes, forklifts, chains and slings) are used on site, is the weight rating readily visible and are maintenance records of the lifting device up to date and in writing. 如果现场使用起重设施(行车,电动葫芦,叉车,吊索与吊带),承重量是否有标识并且它们是否有最近书面的维护记录?
2.29Does the site have an effective process to ensure that it is compliance with the chemical restrictions in GE’s PO? This provision restricts the use of chemicals such as, but not limited to, ozone depleting chemicals, lead, mercury and hexavalent chromium and the supplier must have a process to ensure these chemicals are not used in the manufacturing of or incorporated in the products unless GE has approved their use and/or incorporation in writing. 现场是否有一个有效的管理,以确保供应商遵守与通用电气公司签订的合同中的有关化学品限制规定?这项规定限制使用的化学品,例如,但不仅限于:消耗臭氧层的化学品,铅,汞和六价铬,并且供应商必须有相关的管理控制措施,以确保这些化学物质不被用来制造或合成到产品中,除非通用电气公司已经以书面批准其使用。
2.30Are material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for all chemicals used on site available to employees for their use? 所有用的化学品是否都有物质安全资料表(MSDS)在现场提供给雇员查看?
2.31Are all chemicals stored properly, in specially designated areas, in good condition containers (included drums, tanks, etc), that are clearly labeled with their contents and hazards in local language? 是否所有的化学品都妥善贮存在专门指定的区域,放在良好的容器内(包括桶、罐等),用当地的语言标好标签,并包含相关危害信息?
2.32Do all waste drums and other waste storage containers appear in good condition, stored in contained areas & well managed? 所有装废物的桶和其它垃圾存放区是否状况良好,是否置于有隔护区域并严格管理?
2.33"Have all wastewater and air emission sources been identified and documented?
3.1Are employees allowed to live outside company provided housing? 雇员是否被允许住在非公司提供的住处?
3.2Can employees freely enter or leave the housing at all times of the day or night? 雇员能否在任何时候自由出入其住处?
3.3Is the housing clean, especially in the common areas such as hallways, toilets and bathing facilities? 住处是否干净,特别在一些公共区域如厅堂,厕所和浴室等?
3.4Is there an alarm system to notify employees of an emergency situation? 是否有通知员工发生紧急情况的报警系统?
3.5Are there fire extinguishers in the facilities? 在该设施中有灭火器吗?
3.6Are there at least 2 routes of exit from every floor? 每层至少有两个出口?
3.7Are all stairwells and emergency exits unobstructed and unlocked so that employees can freely exit the building in an emergency? 所有楼道和紧急出口是否保持通畅、没有加锁,以供员工在遇到紧急状况时自由出入?
3.8Is there working emergency lighting? (ask the owner to test the system in your presence) 有可使用的应急照明吗?(让业主当面测试)
3.9Does all wiring appear to be in good condition? (For example, it is not frayed and appears to have been installed professionally. Extensive use of extension cords, or wiring that is strung across rooms is cause for concern). 所有线路状况都好吗?(例如,没有磨损、正确安装。过多使用外接线路,或线路在室内绕绊,都应引起注意)
3.10If food preparation is occurring in common areas, are all cafeteria or kitchen areas clean, and is food prepared, stored and served in a sanitary manner? 如果在公用区备餐,餐厅和食堂是否清洁,食物准备,储存和提供方式是否卫生?
3.11Is clean drinking water provided in the building either via tap or bottled water? (To determine if the water is clean, check for discoloration or unusual odors). 建筑物内是否供有洁净的自来水或瓶装水?(为了确定水是否清洁,检查水是否有气味或变色)
3.12Is water provided for toilets and bathing in the building? 在建筑物内,是否对厕所及浴室供水?
3.13If the climate is cold in winter, is the building heated in the winter months? 如果冬季寒冷,建筑物内是否有供热?
3.14Is the building adequately lit when occupied, both inside and out? 在用建筑物其室内外照明是否充足?
3.15Is the dormitory building more than 100 meters from activities that might create an adverse health and safety impact for employees living in the housing? (Some examples of activities that might create an adverse health impact are the burning of waste materials or the venting of chemicals). If such activities are closed by to the building, please answer “No” and provide details. 在建筑物附近是否有一些活动对住在厂内的雇员的健康产生不良影响?(附近区域的一些会产生不良影响的如废弃物的焚烧或化学品以及其它污染物的排放。)
3.16Aside from any issues identified by one of the other questions, do activities in the facility appear to be conducted in a safe manner? If you see any conditions you think are unsafe, please answer "No" and provide details. 如果你认为还有其它不安全因素,请指出:
4.1Did all of the employment records you reviewed show that employees were at or above the minimum working age? If any of the employment records you reviewed showed employees below the minimum working age please answer "No" and provide details. 公司员工都符合法定最底年龄的要求吗?如有任一不符,请回答“否”并描述。
4.2Did all of the employment records you reviewed show payments at or above the minimum wage? If any of the employment records you reviewed showed payments below the minimum wage please answer "No" and provide details. 根据你所审核的纪录,该公司的员工都符合法定最低工资的要求吗?如有任一不符,请回答“否”并描述。
4.3Did all of the employment records you reviewed show hours of service at or below the maximum allowable overtime? If any of the employment records you reviewed showed hours of service above the maximum allowable overtime please answer "No" and provide details. 根据你所审核的纪录,该公司的员工都符合法定最大加班工时的要求吗?如有任一不符,请回答“否”并描述。
4.4Did all of the employment records you reviewed show payment of the required premium wages for overtime work? If any of the employment records you reviewed showed a failure to pay the required premium wages for overtime work please answer "No" and provide details. 根据你所审核的纪录,对所有的加班,公司都按法定要求支付员工加班工资了吗?如有任一不符,请回答“否”并描述。
4.5Did all of the employment records you reviewed confirm that there are no excessive deductions from wages? If any of the employment records you reviewed showed excessive deductions from wages please answer "No" and provide details. 根据你所审核的纪录,该公司是否有克扣工人工资的现象?如有,请回答“否”并描述。
4.6Did review of wage payment records reveal that employees are paid on a current basis or paid not more than one payroll cycle in arrears? 根据你所审核的纪录,该公司是否有拖延支付工资的现象?
4.7Are employees allowed to retain their employment and other relevant documents (e.g.. ID card, etc.) after initial review by the supplier? 公司员工在入厂之后是否可以拿回有关的私人文件(例如,身份证等)?
4.8Did The Amount Paid To Each Employee As Per Payroll Records Match The Cash/Bank Records For The Money Transfer? 工资表上的数目与银行转帐纪录是否相符?
4.9Did The Working Hours Declared In The Payroll Records Match The Timesheet For The Workshop? 工资表上的工时纪录与车间工时表上的纪录是否相符?
4.10Has the supplier given assurances that it does not employ vocational school students under the age of 16? If not, please explain circumstances in the section provided below. 是否使用小于16岁的实习生?
4.11If the supplier uses vocational students, did review of their employment records confirm they were above age 16? 如果供应商使用实习生,这些实习生的年龄是否都大于16岁?(通过审阅雇用记录来确认
4.12If the supplier uses vocational students, does the payment documentation (either by the employer or the school) confirm the students were paid at least the minimum wage? 如果供应商使用实习生,实习生的工资是否符合最低工资标准?(通过审阅雇主或学校的记录来确认
5.29Does your company have an official who is responsible for security? 贵公司是否有保安负责人?
5.30Are there procedures for detecting and reporting overages and shortages in incoming cargo? 贵公司是否有程序对入场货物的超量或短缺进行检查和汇报?
5.31Are the procedures for detecting and reporting overages and shortages documented? 贵公司是否对货物超量或短缺的检查和汇报程序进行归档?
5.32Are container-load shipments to GE properly sealed? 用集装箱运送到GE的货物是否被合适的封贴?
5.33Are there procedures for the verification of seals on incoming and outgoing containers, trailers and railcars? 贵公司是否有程序验证货柜货车的标签贴封?
5.34Are less-than-container load shipments adequately protected? 对于不是用集装箱运送的产品,是否有其他办法来保障产品的安全?
5.35Are goods manufactured for shipment to GE stored to prevent damage, theft, or the introduction of extraneous material? 为GE生产的产品是否保存良好,以避免损坏和失窃,另外能防止未申报的物料不会发货给GE?
5.36Is shipping documentation controlled to ensure accuracy and prevent alteration? 贵公司是否对运输文件进行控制以确保准确并防止更改?
5.37Is the company's information technology applications protected from improper use or alterations? 贵公司的信息技术应用是否被严格的保护,以防止不恰当的使用和更改?
5.38Does the company have a program for education of employees in security awareness that includes the recognition of internal conspiracies, maintenance of cargo integrity, and addressing unauthorized access? 贵公司是否教育员工提高保安意识?教育计划中是否包括教会员工认识内保、维护货舱的保安和指正非法进入的内容?
5.39Does the company have procedures for notifying the appropriate personnel if unsafe or suspicious activities are detected? 当员工不安全和可疑的行为被发现的时候,贵公司是否有程序来对他进行通告?
5.40Does the company have procedures for challenging unauthorized or unidentified persons? 贵公司是否有程序检查和询问闲杂人员和未经允许进入公司的人员?
5.41Does the company conduct employment screening of employees, including application verifications and background checking to the extent permitted by law? 贵公司是否对员工进行入职筛选,包括在当地法律允许的范围内调查其背景?
5.42Are the employment screening procedures documented? 对员工的筛选程序是否归档?
5.43Does your company maintain written procedures to prevent access by unauthorized persons to all facilities, including shipping, loading dock and cargo areas, in which goods are manufactured or stored for shipment to GE? 用来存储发送给GE的货物的厂房的货舱、装卸区和进出货区是否有防止闲杂人等进入的措施?
5.44Does your company maintain adequate physical security of all facilities in which goods are manufactured or stored for shipment to GE? 对于贵公司为GE生产产品的区域是否有足够的保安措施?
5.45Are there controls to prevent the introduction of unmanifested materials into shipments of goods to GE, including while in the custody of any carrier selected by your company prior to delivery to a carrier selected by GE? 在货物交给GE选定的承运人之前,由贵公司选定的承运人控制时,你们是否有书面程序确保未申报的物料不会进入GE的货物?