Environmental Requirements 环保要求
Coach believes in doing business with those suppliers who share the corporation's commitment tothe environment, and who pursue practices which conform to applicable environmental standardsCoach expects suppliers to promptly develop and implement plans and programs to correct anynon-compliant practices.
Coach 坚持与之营商的供应商,皆与本公司共同承担环保的责任及贯彻执行合乎相关环保的标准。 Coach 期望供应商迅速建立及推行计划及方案以纠正任何违规行为。
Environmental Protection Policy 环保政策
Service Provider must establish a written policy on environmental protection.
供应商必须建立书面的环保政策Service Providers shall only use water based cements on Coach products inproduction as well as in sample rooms.供应商应该只使用水溶性粘合剂来生产 Coach 产品,在车间和样板间均如此。Service Providers shall document MSDS training provided to the employees.供应商必须纪录提供予员工之物料安全培训。
Service Providers shall review regional laws/regulations regarding handling anddisposal oftoxic/hazardous substances.供应商应检阅有关处理及处置有毒有害物品的地区法律/规则。
Service Providers shall post the instructions and warnings signs that prohibit eating/drinking/ smoking near Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage and hazardous wastestorage areas including prohibiting keeping personal drinking cup, mug, bottle; etc inthe Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage area.供应商应在化学品及危害物品废料存放区张贴有关禁止食用/饮水及抽烟的指引和警告。当中包括禁止保留个人饮用水杯,水瓶等。
MSDSor CsDs 物料或化学品安全資料表
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be available in the language of the1.employees and management.物料安全资料表应以员工及管理层熟识的语言编写。MSDS shall be posted at the storage/areas where Chemicals and Hazardous wastesare placed.物料安全资料表应张贴在化学品及危害物品废料存放区。
The MSDS shall reflect the contents of the Chemicals and Hazardous waste correctly3and accurately.物料安全资料表应正确和准确地例明化学品及危害物品的成份。
Service Providers shall provide training to employees regularly to ensure theyunderstand the information listed on the MSDS.供应商应定期提供培训给员工以确定他们清楚了解物料安全资料表上的内容
Employees shall be trained in proper handling and disposal of toxic/hazardoussubstances.员工应接受有关妥善处理及处置有毒有害物品的培训。
Employees shall be provided protective cothing/equipment when handling thesesubstances.当处理有毒有害物品时,应提供员工保护衣或保护用品。
Chemicals and Hazardous Materials storage 化学及危险品储存ldentify if production requires the use of chemicals, gases, solvents, etc. which areknown to damage the environment.辨认生产程序需要使用的化学制品、气体、溶剂,等对环境的损害。Chemicals and Hazardous waste containers shall be in good condition and notcrushed,dented,rusted orleaking.应有良好的化学品及危害废料的存放容器,容器不应被压破,出现凹痕,生锈或泄漏。
Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage areas have secondary containment barriersin place to keep spills from entering environment.化学品和危害废物存放区要有第二容器,确保没有泄漏。
Chemicals and Hazardous waste containers are labeled (including secondarycontainers)including product name, related hazards; and PPE as posted.化学品和危害废料容器应标签(包括第二容器),张贴并清楚注明产品名称;相关危险;及所需个人保护设备。
Chemicals and Hazardous waste containers are kept closed except when removing/adding product (including secondary containers) must have lids on, covers, and caps.除了当去除/增加物品,化学品和危害废料容器,(包括第二容器),应保持闭合及必须盖好。
Designated Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage shall be separated fromproduction areas.化学品和有害废料存贮应与生产区域分离。
Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage areas shall be neat and tidy, well lit andventilated.化学品和危害废物存储区域要保持整洁,提供足够灯火照明和通风。
8Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage areas shall have fire safety protection.化学品和危害废物存储区应有防火安全保护。
Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage areas shall be covered with a roof化学品和危害废物存储区应加有上盖。
Non-Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage areas shall be separated from
production areas.非化学品和有害废料存贮应与生产区域分离。
Eye wash facility shall be provided at Chemicals and Hazardous waste storage areasas well as where the chemicals are used within the distance of 25 meters.Theeyewash stations should have two upward water spouts and the water should lastfor at least 15 minutes in appropriate pressure.在化学品使用和化学品及有害废弃物存放区域应该安装洗眼设备,洗眼设备距离化学品使用和存放区域不超过 25 米,需有两个向上喷水口,水流持续至少15 分钟,水压要适中。